Ultimate Is Now a Proud Member of the CDI Foundation


Every AI-powered conversation should be joyful. That’s why Ultimate has joined the CDI Foundation: a non-profit committed to developing industry benchmarks for human-centric AI. We’re ready to progress the conversation around conversational AI, together.

CDI Foundation is an organization dedicated to creating natural and empathic AI interactions. The non-profit was set up by Conversation Design Institute — who we’re already working closely with to help companies humanize their support. The CDI is global leader in training AI pros to design human-centric automated conversations: delivering better experiences for people and results for brands.

But the foundation looks beyond business goals. Instead, their focus is on developing industry-wide standards around how conversational AI is used. Ethics is one of our Ultimate values (along with trust, impact, and customer success). Which is why we’re so excited to be to become a member of the CDI Foundation — to help guide the adoption of conversational AI technology in an ethical and human-focused way.

Conversational AI is embedded in our day-to-day lives. You can think of this technology as the “brain” that powers human-to-computer interactions. When you tell Alexa to play your favorite song, or ask for support from a leading brand’s virtual agent — you guessed it — conversational AI is involved.

At Ultimate we’re not only automation experts: we’re passionate about people. And this made CDI Foundation membership a no-brainer. Beyond continuing our own in-house AI research, as a foundation member we’re supporting the CDI’s educational program, awareness raising efforts, and R&D across the entire conversational AI space.

As foundation members, we will:

  • Collaborate closely with the CDI Foundation to decide on the direction of research and development projects
  • Be represented on the CDI Advisory Committee and their scholarship committee
  • Join the CDI community and have the opportunity to take part in the Conversation Design Festival

“Ultimate is not just automation software. It’s built from the ground up to deliver on both business and experience goals. We’re excited to work closely with Ultimate as they support CS teams to unlock the potential of conversational AI and deliver delightful human-centric experiences.”

- Hans van Dam, CDI Foundation Board Member & Co-Founder and CEO, Conversation Design Institute

In our mission to bring joy to customer support, our team has built the most accurate and powerful conversational AI platform on the market. And with great power comes great responsibility. We’re no superheroes — but in joining the CDI Foundation, we’re taking this seriously:

“Becoming a member of CDI Foundation shows our joint commitment to creating human-centric AI interfaces. It’s a pleasure to be working alongside experts in the field of conversation design, to advance the industry together.”

- Sylvain Mlodyszewski, Partnerships Lead, Ultimate

Today, we’re celebrating the chance to work with conversation design experts at CDI Foundation — and to join them in shaping the future of our industry.

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