
Fonecta at a glance


The customer

The leading provider of digital marketing services for Finnish businesses.


The market

Around 30,000 small, medium, and large businesses and growing.


The support team

An in-house team overwhelmed with repetitive tasks and excited about automation.


The channels

Fonecta primarily uses email, but opted to introduce automated chat as a new channel.


The situation

Fonecta's highly qualified agents were stuck answering simple, repetitive questions.


The solution

Automate chat to alleviate agent workload and allow customers to get answers faster.

Getting started with Ultimate

Email was Fonecta’s biggest digital support channel, and the company was looking for a way to automate email support.

Fonecta saw a lot of potential in self-service. They were processing a high number of repetitive requests: 18% of inquiries came from customers asking for business contact details they could have found in the directory. Likewise, nearly 14% of requests came from companies wanting to update their business information on Fonecta — another easy self-service case.

At Fonecta, as in many B2B companies, agents are highly qualified and handle complex cases. Fonecta’s agents are experts in digital marketing services. It was therefore crucial for the company to eliminate the repetitive queries these agents had to deal with, so they could focus on B2B tasks that match their skillset.

"Since we automated chat, we have been able to focus more on exciting, interesting tasks, and spend more time on high-value interactions. Our lives have become much easier!"

Hanna Jokela
Support Agent, Fonecta

2,000 agent hours saved per year
60% chat automation rate
70% of the most common inquiries automated

AI use case spotlight: saving time for agents and money for Fonecta

  • Fonecta launched chat as a channel at the same time as launching chat automation, and it soon became a popular channel — with volumes doubling in the first 4 months.

  • 70% of the most common queries were entirely automated, allowing the highly trained agents to focus on the complicated cases that needed a human touch.

  • Today, the virtual agent automated 60% of overall cases, 85% of misguided B2C consumer requests, and is saving Fonecta 2,000 hours of agent effort every year. 

The success story


Time and cost savings

The virtual agent takes on over 2,000 hours of agent effort per year, saving on hiring, training, and overhead costs.


Scalable solution

As chat becomes a more popular channel, the in-house team work with Ultimate's experts work to automate more intents and improve the AI model.


Empowering agents with AI

The whole support team gets to work on more complicated cases, and the two top performers have become automation experts.


Empowering customer to self-serve

One of the most common customers requests — updating contact information — is now entirely automated, making life easier for their customers.

Ready to start your automation journey?